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Writing Nirvana

So, as I mentioned in my Fantasy Friday post I had the opportunity to go to a writer’s retreat last weekend.  Three writer friends and I were hosted at a guest house in a small lakeside community near Seattle, Washington.  We had long flights there and back, but the total immersion in our writing was invaluable. We took one afternoon to go into Seattle to Pike Place Market and our lovely hostess for the weekend conducted a writing master class for us as well.

Who was that you say?  Why it was none other than NYT bestselling romance-adventure diva Cherry Adair.  I kid you not people.  I’m still pinching myself.

Cherry shared industry knowledge and information on plotting and layering stories.  It was an invaluable afternoon.  The knowledge I gained was wonderful, but it also showed me the importance of paying it forward, that it’s always important to lend another writer a helping hand.  I think sometimes, some of us forget about that.  Cherry never forgets it, and the way she mentors unpublished writers is an example to the industry.

Oh, and did I mention she’s an amazing person, too?

Here are a couple of pictures from the weekend.  I’ll add more as my friends share with me.


The lake after a storm.



Mt. Rainier as seen from the deck.







Writing is a journey, but it’s not nearly as solitary as it used to be.  Yes, it’s you and the computer, but that computer links you to millions of others and for better or for worse, you’re never alone.  If I learned anything from this weekend it was that successful writers are disciplined.  No excuses, no goofing around…just writing.  End. Of. Story.

It was a memorable weekend and as I said, I’ll  post more pictures. The beauty of the place is overwhelming.  To celebrate my happy place, I’m going to give away two Cherry Adair books of your choice. (As long as the books are in print and available.)  Comment on this post and I’ll draw a winner on Friday night after 6 pm.  Only readers in the United States are eligible. (Sorry!)