Category Archives: Fantasy Friday

Fantasy Friday

Sorry, I’m late today.

It’s been tricky getting back into the groove from my trip.  I’m falling asleep and waking up at the weirdest times!

After the long weekend away, I thought about my post.  What I started thinking about were my heroes.  Romance is all about the hot hero, the fantasy that will make a woman swoon.   I write those guys…and I DO love to write those guys.

But how do I describe my heroes?  

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Fantasy Friday

So, my post is not about a gorgeous guy today.  Sorry.  I’m telling you about having a writer’s fantasy come true.  Are you ready?

No, I didn’t sell, and that of course would be the ultimate, but I have gotten myself into the enviable position of being able to pick a NYT bestselling author’s brain.

I’m spending the weekend at Cherry Adair’s guest house near Seattle, Washington.  Cherry opens her home to writers at certain times and the stars aligned and here I am.  

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