Category Archives: writers

Don’t Piss Off the Writer

I started back to school today, and while I am looking forward to getting back in touch with my colleagues and seeing the kids (of course) I’ve decided that there are a few who need to heed the warning…don’t piss off the writer.

I’d never do anything bad to anyone, truly.  Well, not in real life. But the beauty of being a writer is that you can get your frustrations out on the page.  

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The Harpy Revisited

The response to yesterday’s post on the Harpy was overwhelming.  I received lots of e-mails and messages, and the comments section here was very active. Reactions came for two reasons.  One, had to do with the obvious disrespect toward genre fiction, specifically romance, and the second had to do with Harpy’s lack of manners.

As far as her manners, there’s no stopping people from being who they are, but that doesn’t mean they should get a free pass.  

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Getting to My Happy Place

I’ve been having a hard time with this post, so I hope you’ll all forgive me for its tardiness.

I’m struggling with a book I’m working on, so in general, I’ve been a little pissy.  But last week, I was out running errands with Offspring 2 (O2) and in a pretty good mood, when I ran into someone I know through work.  I don’t know this person well, just in passing,

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