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Don’t Piss Off the Writer

I started back to school today, and while I am looking forward to getting back in touch with my colleagues and seeing the kids (of course) I’ve decided that there are a few who need to heed the warning…don’t piss off the writer.

I’d never do anything bad to anyone, truly.  Well, not in real life. But the beauty of being a writer is that you can get your frustrations out on the page.  I just wrote a scene for a future book.  I may not use it right away, but in it, someone was subjected to much pain.

Really.  A lot of pain.  And I enjoyed every minute of it.

So here’s a heads up.  If someday you read one of my books and you see a character who has some familiar traits, don’t be so quick to shake it off as coincidence.  It could be someone you know. Hell, it could be you.

But I’ll never tell.