I was speaking to a friend on the west coast tonight and telling her about the weather here.
It’s been cold. Like so cold you don’t want to go outside. Between that and two good snows since the new year, I can tell you I’m ready for spring.
Of course, I have a while before I get there. I think it’s 64 days. In the meantime, I’m going to tease you with news. I’ll be revealing the cover of my new Forever Love Story, The Wedding Secret very soon! The upside of this? The cover is sexy. Subtly steamy and you’re going to love it. I promise, it’s hot enough to melt the foot of snow sitting outside my house and Kevin and Harper’s story will keep you plenty warm. The downside? Just like spring, you have to wait for the book. 😉
Here’s the first line of the book to whet your appetite~
As a rule, Harper Poole didn’t do slutty, but she figured there was a first time for everything.
I’m so excited to share this story with you! Harper and Kevin do not disappoint.
The Wedding Secret will be available in May 2014.