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Picking My Battles

I bet you all think you’re getting another Harpy post.  I’m sorry to disappoint you, but this is actually about the war I constantly have with the clock.  The clock that doesn’t give me near enough time everyday to accomplish everything I need to do.

Stinking clock.

So, since this week is one of those weeks when I have to decide what’s important and what can give, I decided to use the blog to sort it all out.

Here are the things I have to do:

Sleep:  (7 hours) Some see this as optional, not me.  If I don’t sleep enough over a few days, I get sick and I get wicked nasty.  So then I’m a wicked nasty sick person–not a good combo.

Personal Hygiene: (1 hour)  Shower, hair, make-up–you don’t want to know what could happen.

Dayjob: (9 hours) Travel time to and from the job and the time I spend there takes a chunk out of my day.  I like the work, but I would much rather stay home and write.

Dayjob 2:  (3 hours) I’m co-directing the school play.  Remember I work in a high school which means—Excuses and hormones and tempers–Oh, my! It’s going well and it’s almost over, but it’s claiming time.

Family: (1 hour minimum, probably more)  The offspring are adults, I know, and MH is understanding, but I married him for a reason and in general, I like spending time with everyone.

Add in things like eating, chores, exercise and the writing has lost the battle this week, although I did make time today to write this post.

Yay!  Go me! *Cue cheerleaders*

So how do you pick your battles?  Are there times when what you want to do has to give for what you have to do?