Blog Archives

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Trust yourself.  I’m not saying you don’t have anything to learn, but trust your voice, trust your story, and trust your process.

If you’re taking a class or a workshop and the advice makes you cringe, it’s not right for you.  Yes, hone your craft and perfect the mechanics of getting words on the page, but stay true to your vision – no one can write your story but you.

If you’d like more help,

 » Read more about: Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?  »

Is there a list of all your titles?

There is!  You can get a list of all my titles, organized by series, here!

 » Read more about: Is there a list of all your titles?  »

Can you speak to our group?

Depending on my schedule, the answer is yes! I’ve given workshops and speeches to writers’ groups, readers’ groups, library patrons and educators. Check out my media kit for links to topics and workshop descriptions. I can also customize a talk based on your suggestions. Please reach out through my contact page to chat about availability.

If one of my novels is on your book club’s list, I can meet with your group virtually through Zoom,

 » Read more about: Can you speak to our group?  »

Are the Barefoot Bay titles still available?

Unfortunately, they aren’t. When Amazon closed down Kindle Worlds, I decided to retire my Barefoot Bay titles, so that means Castle in the Sand, and Truly, Madly, Deeply are no longer available.

The Barefoot Bay Kindle World Series
Castle in the Sand
Truly, Madly, Deeply





 » Read more about: Are the Barefoot Bay titles still available?  »