Category Archives: Writing

Thunder and Lightning

This is going to be a short post, because we’ve been having some severe storms and I’m going to crawl into my bed in a few minutes and pull the covers over my head.

Yup.  I’m afraid of thunderstorms.  Little ones don’t bother me, but the big ones?  You know, the kind that rattle windows? They scare me to death.  To death.  A few years ago, there was a bad storm when I was at work.  

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Helping Hand

I’m human, so I’ve had more than my share of embarrassing moments. You know what I’m talking about–those times that I’ve said something I shouldn’t have or done something so dumb, I wanted to crawl into a hole.  Most of those moments happened when I was young–in high school or college–and are long forgotten.

However, I was talking to some teacher friends the other day and one of them remembered a tale I’d told them about one of my moments.  

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Finding Inspiration

My husband and I have spent the last few days in the lovely state of Maine.  My biggest regret about Maine is that I didn’t visit here sooner.  We’re staying in the area known as the midcoast–specifically we’re about an hour north of Portland in a beautiful place called Boothbay Harbor.  With the wonderful location, perfect weather and friendly people, we couldn’t ask for more.

The resort we’re staying at, The Spruce Point Inn,

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