Category Archives: Contemporary Romance

A Visit with Kristan Higgins!

I’m thrilled to welcome bestselling author, Kristan Higgins *cues band* *throws Hershey Nuggets* to the blog today!  Kristan’s new contemporary romance, The Perfect Match, has just been released and I can’t wait to hear about it!

Say hi to Kristan, gang!

Tell us about The Perfect Match

Perfect matchOh…hang on…sorry, I was catching those Hershey Nuggets. Yes, The Perfect Match is out today!

 » Read more about: A Visit with Kristan Higgins!  »

I have a new book for you!!!

So, my lovely friend, Jessica Lemmon, has a new book out in her Love in the Balance series.  You remember Shane August from Tempting the Billionaire, right?  The hot CEO with a knack for making chocolate chip cookies?  Well in Hard to Handle, we meet Shane’s cousin, Aiden.

Yes, Aiden.  He’s all tatted up and scruffy and HOT.  So. Hot.  

 » Read more about: I have a new book for you!!!  »

Welcome NYT Bestseller Virginia Kantra!

VirginiaI’m thrilled to welcome bestselling author Virginia Kantra to the blog today!  Virginia’s new contemporary romance, Carolina Girl, has just been released and she’s excited to tell us about it!  Additionally, one lucky reader will be chosen from the comments to receive a copy of Carolina Girl!

 Tell us about Carolina Girl

 Carolina Girl is a reunion story, about first times – first crush,

 » Read more about: Welcome NYT Bestseller Virginia Kantra!  »

Release Day!

I’ve been writing for twelve years and it’s a little surreal that today my debut romance, The Temporary Wife, releases.  I could wax poetic about this, but to be honest, I’m a little overcome.  I worked so hard to make this happen and now it has.

And I’m sitting here wondering what I should do.

So, I decided to pop on here and say thank you to all the people who helped me realized this dream.  

 » Read more about: Release Day!  »

Interview with Romance Author Jessica Lemmon

TTB blogtour (2)


I’m pleased to welcome debut romance author, Jessica Lemmon to the blog today to be interviewed about her hot new release, Tempting the Billionaire. *cue cheerleaders*

Here’s a tease from Amazon:


Crickitt Day needs a job . . . any job. After her husband walks out on her, she’s determined to re-build her life and establish a new career.

 » Read more about: Interview with Romance Author Jessica Lemmon  »